Virtual mobilities for the first time, within the UNITA European university network

The Western University of Timisoara opens for its students a new perspective of living the international academic experience. Starting with the second semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, UVT offers them the opportunity to participate in virtual study mobility in partner universities abroad. This is possible, for the first time, in the context of UVT's membership of [...]

"Happy and sad fake news"

Under the already well-known logo "At UVT, Culture is the Capital", a new LIVE event will take place within the "UVT Conferences" series. "Happy and sad fake news" is the theme of the dialogue that will be moderated by Mr. Mircea Mihăieș on Thursday, December 10, 2020 and which will have the writer and journalist Ioan T. Morar as a guest. It is […]

Nothing is thrown away, everything is transformed!

As part of the ROSE II/AG375/SGU/SS/III/2020 project "Quality counseling to support learning" was organized on November 18, 2020, 14.00 p.m., online, on Google meet /lookup/hflm2y7ji5?authuser=0&hs=179, a Patchwork Workshop. What is PATCHWORK? Patchwork is a sewing technique made up of several pieces of multicolored textile materials, cut into perfectly symmetrical shapes or [...]

International Biennale of Miniature Arts Timișoara 2020, fourth edition

Emotional interactions A large manifestation, in a pandemic moment, which can be significant in the history of mankind, takes place conditioned by all the rules imposed or those that it is good to impose on ourselves. From here to this year's theme of the International Biennale of Miniature Arts Timișoara, it is only a step, maybe not even [...]

Online art festivals…

At the Faculty of Music and Theatre, the month of November meant the organization of the international TIMIȘOARA MUZICALĂ ACADEMICA Festival, the XNUMXth edition, and the participation of the Performing Arts specialization, Acting year III, at the "Studio" International Theater School Festival, organized by the University of Art Theater from Târgu Mureș. The form of organization could not be other than…. online… The festival [...]

The Faculty of Arts and Design, in celebration

With the fall of the communist regime, 30 years after the resumption of classes and 87 years after the opening of the first art higher education institution in Timișoara, the Faculty of Arts and Design of the Western University of Timișoara is celebrating with an event anniversary dedicated to the general public. Thus, two ample […]

"Partner Claus of the pandemic - We give hearts"

Charitable events are among the constant efforts of the West University of Timișoara, even more so now, at the end of the year, when the approach of the winter holidays brings us spiritually closer to each other. The Department of Sociology within the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology of UVT organizes, for the third consecutive year, the event "Socio […]

UVT, example of good practices in the field of internationalization

The "Erasmus+ seminar dedicated to higher education", organized by the National Agency for Community Programs in the Field of Education and Professional Training (ANPCDEFP), took place between November 24-26, 2020, bringing together all the universities in Romania that implement activities within the international mobility program Erasmus+. In this context, the most urgent aspects related to the internationalization of higher education were discussed [...]

Crazy science and experiments at "Researchers' Night"

At the Western University of Timișoara, on November 27, the Night of European Researchers delighted the public with science, through crazy experiments, curious phenomena, behind-the-scenes images of research, captivating conferences, games and contests with attractive prizes, participation in all activities being free. Organized annually, on the same day, in over 350 European cities, to celebrate knowledge, [...]

UVT Liberty Marathon 2020, more environmentally friendly

For a month, between September 27 and October 27, sports enthusiasts ran in the third UVT Liberty Marathon. As a manifesto of the choices that give us freedom, representative of a healthy lifestyle, the event was addressed to a wide audience, including both beginner runners of different ages and experienced runners. From […]

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