Fulbright Day@WUT 2024

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to study or conduct your research in the US? Now, you can learn more about this opportunity by attending the next event in the Fulbright Day@WUT series. The Department of International Relations of UVT is pleased to invite you, in online format, to a presentation of study/research opportunities in the United States [...]

Science Wednesday with Mădălin Bunoiu and his guests

The third event in the conference series "Science Wednesday with Mădălin Bunoiu" will discuss the topic of "Archaeology in the digital era" and will have as guests Dr. Alexandru Hegyi (UVT) and Dr. Laurentiu Angheluță (INOE ). The volumes that will be the basis of the dialogue are "Din vremea lui Tudor by Radu Oltean" (Publishing [...]

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