Awards for FAD students

Awards for FAD students

The international design competition INTERNATIONAL ART & DESIGN COMPETITION 2021 organized by Accademia Riaci, Florence – Italy, 2021 – had the theme THE MUSIC: REPRESENT "YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC" IN ANY ART FORM – and judging the concepts on May 15, 2021. The international design competition brought together design concepts in 11 categories: jewelry – manufacturing, jewelry design, clothing accessories – manufacturing and design, furniture design, clothing design, graphic design, design interior design, product design, painting and graphics, illustration. 

Florence, also called the "museum without a roof", is the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance. The city, which modern Italy prides itself on as an art center, reached one of its heights between the 2021th and XNUMXth centuries when the creative energies and techniques of artisans flourished. INTERNATIONAL ART & DESIGN COMPETITION XNUMX took place in this wonderful environment. The aim of the competition is to contribute to the revitalization and internationalization of the entire Italian art, design and craft industry, by discovering new artists, promoting talent and at the same time promoting study abroad in Italy.

In this context, students Adrian Popesc and Deiana David capitalized on their creativity and knowledge accumulated during their years of study and proposed contemporary concepts of jewelry and luxury accessories, appreciated by the international jury.

The student Adrian Popec, enrolled in the 2rd year of Product Design - Faculty of Arts and Design - Timișoara, ranked 3nd in the international design competition where he proposed a contemporary luxury accessory concept, a jewelry watch (images attached) - "Irgendwo im Himmel". The student describes the concept like this: “My favorite music, especially when I have to work or create something new, is cinema soundtracks. I chose the song "Almost Idyllic" from Many Beautiful Things. The piece inspires a place full of legends and myths, a warm world full of life and optimism, and we translated it through a modern creation, but with a classic look. I chose to combine the mechanical watch with the smart digital watch. I was inspired by classic forms to which I added natural elements, all in a vision provided by modern technology. The touch screen is designed to bring more functions to the watch, from being able to see the time in a digital form, to receiving notifications directly from the phone or being able to monitor the steps taken in a day. Everything is fit into a small screen. The smartwatch and the mechanical watch are controlled by two different buttons on the edge. […] It is a concept made with several specialized programs, from CAD to sculpture / engraving. Images are rendered to provide an accurate representation of the actual product. The product is designed to be made by 1D metal printing and laser cutting of shapes and hand engraving. The proposed materials for the concept are: rose gold for the case and for the interior details and birds I chose to use bronze and metal with white enamel. I also added 45mm crystals. The dimensions of the watch are: diameter 9mm and thickness XNUMXmm.

Student Deiana David, enrolled in the 3rd year of Product Design - Faculty of Arts and Design - Timișoara, ranked XNUMXrd in the international design competition where she proposed a contemporary jewelry concept appreciated by the international jury (images attached) - "Sound of Sea".

The mentioned students also stood out in the international competition - Hong Kong Fei Cui Design Biennial Contest 2019 - Merit Award, the international exhibition International Ocean Art Festival 2020, they received national and international awards and collaborated on international projects in jewelry design, etc. . 

The direction pursued by the Product Design study route, within the DESIGN specialization (Department of Design and Applied Arts – Faculty of Arts and Design, Timișoara) is a modern one, which aligns with the requirements of the design consumer market and promotes the use of the latest generation technology ( CAD modeling and prototyping with the help of 3D printing) in the training of specialists, future designers and consultants (not simple craftsmen). In the specialized discipline (Accessories and Jewelry) the students were coordinated by the university lecturer. Dr. Alexandru Bunii.

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University lecturer Dr. Alexandru Bunii



The first edition of InfoDay@FMI-UVT, an event organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the Western University of Timișoara, is designed as a networking hub

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