UVT awards, as every year, the students who obtained an average of 10 in the baccalaureate exam

UVT awards, as every year, the students who obtained an average of 10 in the baccalaureate exam

Always concerned with recognizing academic achievements, the Western University of Timișoara awards, as every year, the students who obtained an average of 10 in the baccalaureate exam in 2023.

Thus, on Wednesday, 12.07.2023, starting at 11:30 a.m., in the Hall of the Board of Directors in the UVT headquarters (bd. Vasile Pârvan no. 4, 1st floor), the rector of UVT, prof. Dr. Marilen Gabriel Pirtea, will meet with six students who obtained an average of 10 in the baccalaureate exam this year, from the counties of Timiș, Caraș Severin and Hunedoara.

We invite you to attend this event and meet some of the most valuable high school graduates of the Class of 2023.

We are waiting for you!

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