UVT supports students from all over the country through complex preparation programs for the baccalaureate exam

UVT supports students from all over the country through complex preparation programs for the baccalaureate exam

The Western University of Timișoara offers students from all over the country, in the next 3 months, an extensive training and support program for successful participation in the baccalaureate exam this summer.

Preparation for the baccalaureate exam will take place online, every Saturday, starting on April 9, 2022, in all subjects for which written exam tests are taken - the registration form is available HERE;

As every year, in the second semester, UVT supports the XNUMXth grade students with a well-structured preparation program for the baccalaureate exam. University teaching staff specially prepare and support activities for each of the subjects in which the students are to take assessment tests.

The schedule of the modules, for every Saturday from 09.04 to 18.06 / 2022, is as follows, being established in such a way as to allow students to participate in the training program for all the subjects for which they will take the written test in the baccalaureate exam:

09:00 – 10:30 – Romanian language and literature;

10:45 – 12:15 – Mathematics (level M1 and M2) and History;

12:30 – 14:00 – Biology (Plant and animal biology and Human anatomy and physiology, genetics and human ecology), Organic and inorganic chemistry, Economics, Philosophy, Physics, Geography, Informatics, Logic, reasoning and communication, Psychology, Sociology .

In addition, UVT will also make available to students a platform with preparation materials and practice tests developed by university teachers, for each written test of the baccalaureate exam. More details about the training program and the topics covered can be read HERE.

Marilen Gabriel Pirtea, rector of UVT: Participation in these intensive preparation activities for the baccalaureate exam, carried out at UVT, is free and open to all students in Romania. Students interested and motivated for the best possible results will meet with exceptional mentors, recommended by UVT for high-standard training. Success in the baccalaureate exam, as well as in college admission, this summer, is being built right from today, at UVT. You're welcome!

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