Evaluation of teaching staff by students

Evaluation of teaching staff by students

The evaluation of teachers by students it takes place every semester, in the last two weeks of teaching activity of each semester. 
The purpose of the evaluation of the teaching staff by the students is to collect their opinions and feedback regarding the educational process they went through this semester, in order to improve the activity of the teaching staff and the educational services offered by the West University of Timișoara.

The evaluation of teaching staff by students is carried out through the platform, which students log in with their institutional account details

Even if on the platform the students log in with the e-mail address and password of the institutional account, the evaluation of teachers by students is 100% anonymous, the answers being encrypted in such a way that the authors cannot be identified.

Steps to use the platform are available in THIS GUIDE.

At the moment for each didactic activity in which they participated during this semester, students will have to complete a single teacher evaluation questionnaire (10 closed questions and 3 open questions - 2 mandatory and one optional).

A frequently asked questions document about the teacher evaluation process is available HERE.

If students encounter difficulties in the assessment process or identify errors in the form, they can send this via email to, accompanied by screenshots with any errors.

The summaries of the evaluation process of didactic activities by students, for each academic semester, can be found below: