UVT in the international and national rankings

UVT in the international and national rankings

International rankings

The Western University of Timișoara (UVT) has become an actor on the international stage, being subject to global competition and having to face this competition. UVT has a notable initiative, that of trying, in an organized way, access among elite international universities, through active presence in international rankings. It is a feasible goal, which involves efforts from the entire academic community, but which is commensurate with the size, ambition and quality of UVT.

The rankings in which the Western University of Timisoara is visible at the international levell can be divided into two categories, depending on the type of information used in the evaluation of universities:
  • information from open data sources: QS World University Rankings by Subject, Best Global Universities Subject Rankings, ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP), Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR), Essential Science Indicators (ESI), Web of Universities Ranking (Webometrics), uniRank University Ranking (uniRank), Center for World University Rankings (CWUR).

  • information from open data sources + information reported by universities in predefined formats specific to each ranking: QS World University Rankings, Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings (EECA), Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE WUR), Times Higher Education Subject Rankings , Times Higher Education World University Rankings Europe (THE Europe), Times Higher Education New Europe, Times Higher Education Emerging Economies University Rankings, U-Multirank, UI GreenMetric World University Ranking, Round University Ranking (RUR), Round University Subject Rankings, RUR Reputation & RUR Academic World University Rankings; Worldwide Professional University Rankings (RankPro) – Academic Ranking, Best Global Universities Rankings, Moscow International University Ranking “The Three University Missions” – MosIUR.

Also, international rankings can be general or specific, depending on the particularity of each classification, as follows:

  • general classifications: Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings (EECA), Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE WUR), Times Higher Education World University Rankings Europe (THE Europe), Times Higher Education Emerging Economies University Rankings, U-Multirank, Round University Ranking (RUR), RUR Reputation & RUR Academic World University Rankings, Worldwide Professional University Rankings (RankPro) – Academic Ranking, Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), Best Global Universities Rankings, Moscow International University Ranking “The Three University Missions” – Grandfather.

  • subject classifications: Times Higher Education Subject Rankings, ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, Best Global Universities Subject Rankings, Round University Subject Rankings.

  • classifications of scientific production: University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP), Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR); Essential Science Indicators (ESI).

  • thematic classifications: GreenMetric University Ranking, Web of Universities Ranking (Webometrics), uniRank University Ranking (uniRank).

News rankings

Best Global Universities Rankings (General Ranking + Subject Ranking) 2022 results

October 27, 2021

Placement of the Western University of Timișoara on the podium of the new Round University Subject Rankings 2021, in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities

October 12, 2021

The Western University of Timișoara ranks in the top of the national results in the field of biology and bioinformatics, in the new Round University Subject Rankings 2021 results

September 20, 2021

UVT in international rankings: THE Subject Rankings 2022 results

September 17, 2021

West University of Timișoara – the first in the country with the Physics sub-field, in the prestigious ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2021

May 26, 2021

The Western University of Timișoara ranks among the top three universities in Romania, in the 2022 edition of the QS World University Rankings

June 9, 2021

National rankings

West University of Timişoara maintains its position in University Metaranking 2020, managing to rank fourth nationally with a score of 12 points obtained following the evaluation process (with 2 additional points compared to the 2019 edition).

The presence of Timisoara higher education is highlighted in this Metaranking by the inclusion of three universities that accumulated over 11% of the total score (18 points, of which UVT – 12 points, UPT – 4 points, UMFVBT – 2 points).

The University Metaranking includes in the analysis 97 active universities in Romania (54 public and 43 private), of which only 28 (all public) were assessed as having international visibility and presence. The nominated Romanian universities registered a total score of 163 points, being included in the analysis only those universities that have at least one presence in one of the nine international rankings according to the University Metaranking 2020 methodology. As a result of the evaluation process, the universities from the University Consortium obtained 69 points out of a maximum of 163 points (42,33% of the total score).

According to the methodology used, the results and performances of universities obtained in the following international academic rankings of universities were taken into account: Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU); Center for World University Rankings (CWUR); Leiden Ranking (CWTS); Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers of World Universities (NTU); QS World University Rankings (QS); SCImago Institutions Rankings (SCImago); Times Higher Education (THE) World Universities Ranking; University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP); Best Global Universities by US News (USN), Round University Ranking (RUR) and The Three University Missions (MosIUR).

Read the full report.