Counseling – CCOC

Counseling – CCOC

Individual counseling services for students

If you are a student at UVT, we think it is important to know that when you encounter difficulties in academic activities and not only, the specialists within Career Counseling and Guidance Center (CCOC) of the university can help you. 

Career Counseling and Guidance Center (CCOC) of UVT is a support structure operating within the university, with the role of supporting and advising students both for their integration and accommodation in the university environment, as well as for professional orientation.

One of the main services offered by CCOC-UVT to students is individual counseling. So, any UVT student can benefit from the following types of counseling:

    🔹 Educational and vocational counseling;

    🔹 Career counseling;  

    🔹 Counseling for the purpose of personal optimization.

Vocational and educational counseling has the role of supporting the person in discovering their own interests, skills, abilities, competences and knowledge acquired up to that moment, with the aim of applying them in the following stages of personal and professional development.

Career counseling aims to support people in the process of clarifying personal goals and aspirations. This objective is carried out through various activities that can help beneficiaries understand their own identity, make informed decisions, be responsible for their own actions, manage their career and the transition from school to the labor market or from a job to another.

Counseling for the purpose of personal optimization aims to improve (subclinical) psycho-emotional and behavioral problems. In addition, by identifying and capitalizing on the student's personal resources, his well-being is promoted, both emotionally and socially.

Also, during individual counseling sessions, you can benefit from psychological testing with the aim of self-knowledge and personal development. In individual counseling sessions, you can determine, together with one of the center's specialists, which tests are most suitable for your needs. 

The tests available in the center, grouped according to the purpose of each one, are the following:

  • For emotional intelligence and personality

Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)

Personality Inventory (DECAS)

The Five Factor Questionnaire – 2 (BFQ®-2)

Personality Inventory (PCF)

Dimensional Pathological Personality Assessment Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ)

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – 2 (MMPI – 2)

  • Vocational guidance

Vocational Interests Assessment Questionnaire (SDS)

Vocational and professional guidance questionnaire (JVIS)

Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventories (CSEI)

  • Self-knowledge

Achievement Motivation Inventory (AMI)

Student Adaptation to University Questionnaire (SACQ)

State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI-2)

Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT)

General Cognitive Skills Assessment Test (EVIQ-S)

  • Professional Development


FJAS (Fleishman Job Analysis Survey)

For details about each test, click on the links in their names.

All services offered by CCOC-UVT are free.

Each student can benefit from up to 5 individual counseling sessions offered by CCOC-UVT during an academic year. 

To schedule a one-on-one career counseling session, interested students can fill out THIS FORM.

For other information, we are at your disposal at the e-mail address