Complementary disciplines that form transversal competences

Complementary disciplines that form transversal competences

The Western University of Timișoara (UVT) and assumes, through the University Charter, the mission of "initial and continuous training, at university level, for the purpose of personal development, the professional insertion of the individual and the satisfaction of the skills needs of the socio-economic environment", proposing to be a "catalyst for the development of Romanian society by creating an innovative and participatory environment for scientific research, learning, cultural-artistic creation and sports performance, transferring skills and knowledge to the community". Thus, among the objectives of UVT are:

  • development of critical thinking and creative potential of members of the university community;
  • creating, hoarding and spreading the values ​​of human culture and civilization;
  • promoting multicultural, plurilingual and interfaith interference;
  • the affirmation of Romanian culture and science in the world circuit of values; 
  • the development of Romanian society within a free and democratic state of law.

To fulfill its mission, UVT implemented, among others, the complementary disciplines that aim at the formation of transversal skills, other than those aimed at training explicit professional skills. 

Transversal competences represent value acquisitions and attitudes that go beyond a certain field / study program and are expressed through the following descriptors: autonomy and responsibility, social interaction, personal and professional development. These, without the enumeration being limiting, ensure: teamwork skills, oral and written communication skills in the native / foreign language; reasoning / argumentation and critical thinking skills; the use of information and communication technology - ICT; problem solving and decision making; recognition and respect for diversity and multiculturalism; learning autonomy; initiative and entrepreneurial spirit; openness to lifelong learning; respecting and developing professional values ​​and ethics; skills to operate in an interdisciplinary manner with methodologies and concepts coming from the field of exact sciences, socio-human sciences and artistic creation, etc.

Thus, according to The Code of Student Rights and Obligations and the Regulation on the Professional Activity of UVT Bachelor's and Master's Degree Students, in order to be able to complete their bachelor's studies, students from bachelor's degree programs have the obligation to complete and pass at least 3 complementary subjects that form transversal skills during the study cycle, for which they will opt before the start of the academic year, taking into account the offer of subjects proposed annually by UVT and published on the website

Students who are in the 2nd year of the undergraduate university study cycle must complete one complementary subject in each semester of the academic year, and students in the 3rd year of the undergraduate university study cycle must complete a complementary subject in the 1st semester of the academic year . Each student will only be able to opt for complementary subjects in a field other than the one in which they are studying.

Students who will not study and pass at least 3 complementary subjects during the cycle of undergraduate studies will not be able to complete their undergraduate studies.

The system procedure regarding the organization, implementation and monitoring in the Western University of Timișoara of the activity for optional complementary subjects that form transversal skills can be accessed HERE.