Apel pentru proiecte de cercetare inovative pentru inițiative antreprenoriale

Apel pentru proiecte de cercetare inovative pentru inițiative antreprenoriale

Sub denumirea de UNITA se regăsește angajamentul a șase universități (Università degli studi di Torino, Universidad de Zaragoza, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, Universidade da Beira Interior și Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour) de a integra mai strâns activitatea academică a acestora. Proiectul RE-UNITA urmărește, în special, schimbul de politici și practici legate de cercetare și inovare.

Proof of Concept – PoC, este o demonstrație sau un prototip al unui concept, al unei idei sau al unei tehnologii care este utilizat pentru a valida fezabilitatea și potențialul succes al unui proiect.

În acest context, programul RE-UNITA “Seeding Proof of Concept” va oferi finanțare de tip “seeding” pentru un proiect la scară mică, cu scopul de a demonstra viabilitatea unei idei sau tehnologii și de a colecta feedback de la părțile interesate.

Obiectivul acestui apel este de a potența antreprenoriatul bazat pe cercetare și inovare în cadrul comunității UNITA și de a contribui la cooperarea între membrii universităților din cadrul proiectului RE-UNITA.

Vă invităm să consultați acest apel: 

  1. Any research team within the six UNITA partners is eligible to participate. Every team has to be composed by participants at least from 2 different Universities in the Alliance. A member of the team from a UNITA University can be any person considered an affiliate of this University, and may include students, PhD students, post-docs, tenured professors, researchers, etc.
  2. Applications will consist in a 8-pages maximum report describing a Proof of Concept project; this report will follow the next guidelines:
    • The report will have to introduce the project by describing the context, the problem to solve and the opportunities it may raise in the market, other solutions available if they exist and R&I results that support the Proof of Concept project (up to 2 pages).
    • The report will also have to describe how the project is going to be developed, including a roadmap of proposed activities, a presentation of the team and its ability to perform these activities, and the innovative approach to the solution of the problem. A brief explanation of how the budget will be spent connected to a timetable of activities should also be included (up to 4 pages).
    • The impact of the project has to be clearly addressed. Its innovation potential, which may include aspects such as IP policy, technology transfer, startup creation, etc, has to be openly defined (up to 2 pages).
    • There will be a corresponding researcher from the team that will be the contact person for all the communications related to this call.
    • A template of the report will be available for the participating teams as an annex to this document
  3. The team of the selected project will receive a budget of 3500 € to start its development. The team will cooperate with the UNITA project for informational and awareness-raising purposes, as well as for the defence of the project’s objectives, always citing the name of the author, initiative and project.
  4.  The selected project will be disseminated through the communication channels of the UNITA constellation. The presented but not selected projects will be also disseminated in the community through the Re-UNITA newsletter.
  5. The call will close in 26th May 2023, 12h CET
  6. A Commission formed by the six members of the Re-UNITA external scientific board (ESB) and by one member of each University from the task force of the WP5 of project RE-UNITA, as listed in the UNITA Datacloud at the closing time of the call, will judge the different applications.
  7. The criteria for the evaluation of the different applications will include: relevance of the problem to be solved ( 20%), innovative approach of the proposed solution (40%), project planning and budget use (20%) and impact of the solution in our society (20%).
  8. In the event that the Commission considers that the projects do not meet the minimum quality requirements, the winning project may be left deserted. In such a situation, the amount of the prizes may be accumulated and applied to the next year. In any case, the Commission will have the ability to make the decisions it deems most appropriate and its decisions will be final.
  9. The selected team should present a final report within one year time including any evidence they may consider of the progress of the project (prototypes, user experience improvement, new innovative results…)
  10. To apply for this call, please send the Application Report, using this model, to the address reunita@unizar.es and idominguez@unizar.es


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N°101035810.