Call for papers (Bachelor and Dissertation)

Call for papers (Bachelor and Dissertation)

Competition with prizes, for undergraduate and master's degree students, studies completed in the last three completed academic years organized within the Project UNITA – "UNIVERSITAS MONTIUM", the work package "Identity and European Citizenship", at the level of the partner University of the West in Timișoara (Romania)

The general framework

The acronym UNITA implies the assumption, for six universities (Università degli studi di Torino, Universidad de Zaragoza, Université Savoie-Mont Blanc, University of West Timisoara, Universidade da Beira Interior and Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour), of a unitary approaches to academic activities. The phrase of Latin origin "Universitas Montium" highlights the fact that all six universities are speakers of Romance languages ​​and also the fact that higher education institutions are actively involved in promoting linguistic diversity.

One of the objectives of the UNITA Universitas Montium project is to strengthen the European identity, a consequence of the deepening of the concept from the perspective of its past and recent developments, addressing all the disciplines related to this notion. 

In this context, the opportunity of the present is justified Call for papers (on topics in correlation with the previously stated topics), in order to participate in a contest with prizes (bachelor's section and master's section), for UNITA university students, studies completed at the bachelor's and master's cycles in the last three completed university years (2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022).

Selection criteria

The objective of the call

Knowledge and deepening concepts of European identity and citizenship, by citizens resident in the territories of UNITA universities.

Who can sign up?

  • The call is open for works of student UNITA universities who completed their studies respectively bachelor's cycle (XNUMXst cycle) and master's (XNUMXnd cycle)) in the last three completed academic years (2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022).
  • Students from UNITA universities can present their work in any of the competitions organized by any UNITA university, provided you participate in only one contest.

Note: Papers addressing the concepts of European identity and citizenship and any type of relationship between Europe and the territories of UNITA universities can be submitted, in a variety of disciplines as well as trans-disciplinary.

Information on how to submit works

  • Students can register by email UNITA Office of the selected University (E-mail Unita Office of UVT:, E-mail subject: "Competition work with European identity and citizenship awards") of the following:

1) variant summary of the work for completing the studies, comprising a maximum of 5 pages, which deals with the issue of European citizenship, in a variety of disciplines, as well as trans-disciplinary (PDF format);

2) the full version of the bachelor's/master's thesis (including the similarity report and the coordinator's report). (PDF entries)

  • The work must be written in the language of the UNITA University organizing the competition (or in English).

DEADLINE: October 31, 2021

Specific aspects

Each UNITA partner university organizes its own competition. Composition of the jury responsible for making the decision to award prizes in each university is attached to this call.

Competition calendar

  • In a first stage (the first two weeks of November 2022), each jury will select a number of 4 papers, among those entered in the competition, of which 2 will be awarded (one for each study cycle).
  • During the third week of November 2022, the 4 candidates must present their works to the jury, respectively the perspective regarding the subject addressed. Students with selected papers will have the opportunity to participate in a joint audition at the level of UNITA Universities.

Award criteria

 The juries responsible for making award decisions in each university will use the following evaluation grid, respectively Criteria, as follows: 

1. the relevance of the title of the work (clarity and brevity, in correlation with the treated subject);

2. Structure (introduction; table of contents, conclusions and bibliography);

3. Style (editing, relevance of graphic illustrations, length in Romanian and in English of a maximum of 5 pages);

4. Content (perspective on concepts, correct use of theories and notions and bibliography, appropriate citation of sources);

5. Empirical research (multidisciplinary approach, relevance of conclusions, originality of research, innovative character and empirical character of the study and creativity).

Note: If the jury considers that the candidates' works do not meet the minimum quality requirements or do not deal with themes in correlation with the proposed subjects, they will be disqualified. In such a situation, the value of the related prizes will be summed up and distributed for the rest of the validated works. The Commission will bear the responsibility and will be delegated to take the decisions it deems most appropriate, and these will be final.

Prize details

  • Is granted one prize for each cycle of studies (bachelor's and master's).
  • authors works selected for awards will each receive a prize in the amount of €215 and a certificate of participation.
  • Additionally, the selected papers, as well as the authors' presentations in the joint hearing at UNITA Universities, will be published on the UNITA website.

Other information

The works awarded in this call will be made available to the UNITA project, which can use them for informational purposes and for the promotion of motivational messages, as well as for the purpose of protecting the project's objectives, always citing the author's name.


Composition of the jury

  • Each jury is composed of four members, from UNITA University, organizer of the competition, in this case teaching staff, different specialties. In case of a situation generating a conflict of interest in the exercise of the jury membership, the organizing University must propose a alternate member to replace the person affected by this potential situation.
  • The composition of the jury from the Western University of Timisoara is as follows:

– Corina Ilin, University Lecturer, PhD in Psychology

– Ana-Cristina Nicolescu, Doctor habilitate university lecturer, Finance field

– Grațiela Noja, Doctor habilitate university lecturer, Economics field

– Corina Turșie, University Lecturer, PhD in Political Science Alternate member: Ioana Vădăsan, University lecturer, doctor in Economics

Alternate member: Ioana Vădăsan, University lecturer, doctor in Economics


Register now for the UNITA audiovisual contest!

UNITA launches a new original audiovisual competition, inviting members of university communities within the Alliance to express their visions about European identity and citizenship through art

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