UNITA’s Student-Centered Pedagogies – Workshops-

UNITA’s Student-Centered Pedagogies – Workshops-

The Universitas Montium Consortium-UNITA launched an invitation to all the teaching and administrative staff of its six member universities to attend the very first event of its Teaching & Learning Centers network.

This event was aimed at exchanging good practices on student-centered pedagogies, with a particular focus on collaborative learning and transversal skills. The event took place in the form of online conferences and workshops occurring on Mondays September 13 and 20, 2021.

During these days, professors were  able to share their projects, discuss topics and issues regarding distance teaching in Higher Education, and exchange good practices regarding various topics such as student engagement online, motivation, assessment, use of Moodle and interactive tools for teaching.

 You can find the detailed program of these meeting days below:https://www.ubi.pt/Ficheiros/Sites/86/Eventos/951/Program%20for%20WS.pdf

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