European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)

European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)

COST brings together European researchers, engineers and scholars from different COST countries to jointly develop their own ideas and new initiatives across all science and technology fields through transEuropean cooperation. COST encourages and fosters trans-, multi- and interdisciplinary approaches by integrating researchers, engineers and scholars from different fields and horizons such as universities, research centres, companies, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as other relevant actors.

COST does NOT fund research itself, but supports networking via different tools such as meetings, short term scientific missions, training schools and dissemination activities part of COST Actions. COST invites proposals for Actions aiming at contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe to close the gap between science, policy makers and society throughout Europe and beyond.

Deadline: October 29, 2020
Link: https://www.cost.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/COST_oc-2020-1_Announcement.pdf, https://www.cost.eu/funding/how-to-get-funding/documents-and-guidelines/